Barreja de plantes utilitzades per Maria Treben per llacunes de memòria i tremolor de membres (Parkinson)
Quantitat dosi diària recomanada: (5 g)
Utilització: 1 cullerada de postres per tassa, prendre 2 o 3 infusions al dia. Preparar 1 litre amb una cullerada sopera i repartir en diverses preses.
Pes net: 120 g
Complement alimentari a base de plantes
Els complements alimentaris no s’han d’utilitzar com a substituts d’una dieta equilibrada.
Barreja de plantes utilitzades per Maria Treben per llacunes de memòria i tremolor de membres (Parkinson)
Aliyu –
Hi! I made this the other night, goofed big time and it was still amnizag!! After throwing it in the oven, I had to run out to pick up one of my kids and got held up. Rather than cooking for an hour, it was in the oven for an hour and a half and still tasted incredible. Veggies were all carmelized and the chicken thighs stayed moist, served it with green salad and olive baguette. My family loved it and I was a hero, what a turn around! Thanks!!